He would have so much to say about this election. No, I don't think he's spinning in his grave over it. Hardly. More likely, there's a big poker game going on in Heaven right now with George, Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes... They're all shootin' the shit, chewin' on a stogie and laughing their asses off at us poor bastards.
Stewart and Colbert are just as brilliant but not as blunt. Carlin didn't need to wrap the funny in a glossy, sweet-smelling package. I imagine John Stewart smells like a Pottery Barn candle; Colbert...Mmm, not so much. More like a Potty. Or a Barn (I kid because I love). Nope, Carlin was a man with a microphone on a stage in a room.
You know, I think a little Daily Dose of Carlin would be nice right now. I'm going to end my posts for a while with some of my favorite Carlin bits. Starting with this one:

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