
This is why I loves my Mamma...

Hi Gurl, GO. RUN, do not walk, to see RELIGULOUS, the Bill Maher movie.

I like the slightly zingier new format of the blog. Don't you LOVE that you are on someone's favorite blog list!? I can see why, cuz you are funny but right on. Is everyone better? Love, N


  1. I definitely want to see that movie. My friend says it's hilarious and raises a lot of interesting questions.

  2. An Australian talkshow host, Andrew Denton, did a similar thing a couple of years ago, called 'God On My Side'. He attended an Evangelical conference in Texas. Two years ago it was a very cheeky documentary to make, so I'm glad to see an American television personality tackle the subject. Can't wait to see it.

  3. Yeah, I'm from Texas so I can 'testify' -- lots of religulosity in that state! Lots of open-mindedness too, thankfully, in places like Austin. I will look for Denton's work. Thanks, Trish!

  4. PS Ever see "Dogma?" Somewhere, Buddy Christ is smiling. God, I miss George Carlin...
